The article highlights the issue of the peculiarities of teaching Chinese students the phonetics of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language. The author draws attention to the fact that mastering the sound structure of the Ukrainian language is an extremely important and difficult issue due to the significant differences between typologically distant languages – Chinese and Ukrainian. The fundamental role of phonetics during the study of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language in the process of mastering the Ukrainian language as a foreign language is emphasized. A thorough comparative and comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the sound composition of the Ukrainian and Chinese languages was carried out, the main differences were highlighted regarding the pronunciation of sounds, the structure of the composition, the presence of tones, the graphic mixing of letters, the absence of hissing and trembling sounds, the presence of consonants by aspirated/unaspirated consonants, the indistinction of consonants by hardness/m 'quality; ringing/deafness, etc. The difficulties of forming the phonetic competence of Chinese students and their typical phonetic errors in the pronunciation of Ukrainian sounds were revealed. A system of phonetics exercises aimed at mastering the sound structure of the Ukrainian language, improving pronunciation, and reducing the number of phonetic errors is defined and described. The author singled out four groups of exercises, each of which is more difficult than the others. The first group of tasks is aimed at forming the pronunciation skills of Ukrainian sounds, which are characterized by a minimal degree of difference in articulation with Chinese sounds; to the second group – exercises, the purpose of which is to differentiate consonant sounds of both languages that are close in terms of articulation; the third group of exercises concerns practicing those sounds of the Ukrainian language that are not found in the Chinese language; the last group of exercises is aimed at recognizing voiced and consonant, hard and soft sounds. The author states that the goal of the phonetic course is to bring the pronunciation of Chinese students as close as possible to the pronunciation of native speakers.
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