The relevance of this study is determined by the fact that the legislation emphasizes the special importance of knowing the English language in relation to safety at sea. Proficiency in the English language is one of the qualification characteristics of specialists in maritime professions and is a professionally important quality. The officer of the watch should be proficient in English, which is determined by international documents (the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978). The national curricula of higher education institutions of the maritime profile include the discipline “Maritime English”. The discipline in the maritime specialist university course, regardless of its formal name in the curricula, is Maritime English. It is all those means of the English language that if used as a communication tool of the international maritime community, ensure the safety of navigation and contribute to the comprehensive development of the maritime industry. An analysis of the standard of higher education in the specialty 271 Maritime and Inland Water Transport was conducted, which showed that the necessary skill is the readiness to communicate in oral and written forms in a foreign language to solve the tasks of professional activity and mastery of the English language in the amount necessary to fulfill one’s professional duties. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to study the main aspects of the formation of readiness for intercultural communication in English among future shipmasters at universities. Active methods of intercultural education are proposed for the formation of readiness for foreign language communication to solve the tasks of professional activity. It was concluded that these forms of training are necessary to increase the level of communication skills of future shipmasters.
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