The article has compared the specifics of borrowings in English and Ukrainian languages. The aim of our study was to establish a comparative relationship between the specifics of borrowings in both languages. It has been found out that vocabulary and phonology are easier to borrow than morphology, syntax and stylistic features. Analytical review, generalization and concretization have been used during the theoretical research. Types of lexical borrowings in Ukrainian and English languages have been described in the article. In the study, we have used the classification of types of borrowings by Charles F. Hockett who identified the following types of borrowings: borrowed word, transfer of borrowing, borrowed translation and a mixture of borrowings. The connection between borrowings in English and Ukrainian has been analysed and as a result it has been established that Ukrainian language was formed mainly through borrowing and exchanging words with other languages. The history of borrowings in English is quite flexible, its vocabulary has been enriched over the centuries. A comparative relationship between borrowings in English and Ukrainian has been revealed. Borrowing words in English and Ukrainian is an active process; languages borrow words, accept them in a certain way and rebuild them according to language standards. In English and Ukrainian there were borrowings from such languages as Latin, Greek, French, German, Arabic, Chinese and many others. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the borrowed vocabulary in both English and Ukrainian contains common and distinctive features. Borrowings from different languages are common to both Ukrainian and English. The emergence of borrowings in these languages can be traced in the history of languages, contacts of peoples.
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