The article traces the functioning of Church Slavonic language to denote males, formed by the suffix method. The article isbased on the material of different genres and styles of Ukrainian monuments(acts, court documents, wills, deeds, descriptions of castles, universals of hetman’s offices, documents of church and school brotherhoods, chronicles, works of religious, polemical, and fiction literature, monuments of scientific and educational literature, liturgical literature, epistolary heritage, etc.) included in the sourcedatabase “Dictionary of the Ukrainian language of the 16th – first half of the 17th century.” The main word-forming models of Church Slavonic vocabulary are characterizedin Old Ukrainian language. It was found that usage of the studied lexems is frequently documented in the church-religious texts, theological, polemical literature, and monuments of business and scientific styles. A few derivatives are recorded in the fiction and chronicle literature.It was found that the most productive in derivation of Church Slavonic words to denote males, were suffixes -nyk (-никъ), -ets’ (-ець,-ецъ), -tel (-тель); unproductive – word-forming types from suffixes -ar’ (-арь, -аръ), -itsa (-ица, -йца), -yn (-инъ), -atay (-атай), -yk (-икъ). In the researched period, a number of complex (two-component) Church Slavonic words were recordedamong the person suffix names.The first component of compound wordsmost often could be the basics of the noun, adjective, pronoun, numeral. Composites with suffixes -nyk(-никъ), -ets’ (-ець), -tel’ (-тель) are frequent in the creation of the masculine nouns.In the period under study, the Church Slavonic suffix composites that provide positive assessment of the person, often opposedto composites that provide negative characteristics. Some of the studied Church Slavonic words in the Ukrainian language of the 16th– first half of the 17thcentury, expanded their semantic structure. Single words have become figurative. Single lexems were included in the category of anthroponyms.
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