The article is dedicated to studying the process of forming communicative and organizational skills in philosophy-medicine doctors during teaching English language. The research was conducted to identify and analyze factors affecting the effectiveness of the formation of such skills during the learning process and to develop recommendations for improving this process. The analysis of literature has shown that organizational and communicative skills represent a personal component of future philosophy-medicine doctors’ English communicative competence and require development. As a result of the experiment, it was demonstrated that teaching with the proposed author’s interactive distance learning program “Academic and Medical English Language for Philosophy-Medicine Doctors” contributed to the improvement of the experimental group’s communicative skills, which showed good and excellent levels of communicative skills at the final stage. Changes in this indicator in the control group were more restrained than in the experimental group, where improvement in the level was observed only in several respondents. At the final stage of the experiment, the experimental group (247 respondents) showed moderate improvement in organizational skills, with good and excellent levels of organizational skills development. It was shown that the characteristics of organizational skills in the control group did not change significantly at the final stage of the study and remained at a moderate level. The difference was not shown in the control group. In the author’s opinion, this indicates the effectiveness of the author’s course in developing the organizational and communicative skills of respondents when using interactive exercises, training tasks, etc. The topic requires further research to determine the most effective methods of developing the skills necessary for philosophymedicine doctors during English language teaching.
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