
дидактичні принципи, дидактична система, іноземні студенти медичних спеціальностей, загальні принципи, специфічні принципи. pedagogical principles, didactic system, international medical students, general principles, specific principles.

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The article analyzes the didactic principles of information competence formation in international students of medical specialties. The definition of the concept “didactic principle” is presented. Basic general and specific didactic principles are determined and substantiated. Theoretical background on the basis of scientific research review is provided. Various systems of didactic principles of information-communication and information competence formation are analyzed. It is concluded that the formation of information competence of foreign medical students should be implemented on the basis of taking into account two groups of principles: leading general didactic and specific. The following principles are included into the first group: system-orientation and systematicity (organization of the submission of educational material in a certain order, that is, the logical connection of each new element of its content with the previous and subsequent element, as well as ensuring the systematic assimilation of educational material by the applicants through the implementation of systematic actions of all participants in the educational process); awareness (leads to a thorough acquisition of students’ knowledge on the basis of awareness of their close connection with practical activities, ensuring the integration of the knowledge, skills acquired in the educational process, skills for successful completion of tasks in quasi-professional and professional activities); scientific-orientation (points to the existence of a regular link between scientific information and educational material in different disciplines, and also involves the disclosure of the objectivity of scientific facts, concepts, laws, theories, coverage of modern achievements and prospects for the development of various scientific fields, including medical); individualization and differentiation of training (provides consideration of individual characteristics and educational opportunities of each foreign medical student). The specific principles are identified: professional orientation (the process of forming the specified competence of the applicants is closely related to their professional development); taking into account the mental and cultural characteristics of foreign students (involves taking into account their socio-cultural characteristics: cultural, ethnic, religious, linguistic, as well as cultural traditions, customs, social value orientations, which allows to counteract the communicative barriers that arise in the environment, different cultures); activity and interactivity-orientation (encourages students to participate actively in the educational process through the organization of the teacher of an interactive educational environment, in particular through the widespread use of active and interactive methods, teaching aids, which will promote better perception and assimilation of educational material, the formation of their positive attitude to the learning; updating the subjective position of the applicants when working with information (aimed at selecting a set of methods, forms, training tools that ensures the transformation of the future specialist into an autonomous subject of information activity).



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