Today, in the conditions of radical reorganization of all spheres of life of Ukrainian society, the problem of forming a creative personality and its abilities becomes especially relevant, because it is in creative activity that the prospects of social progress are laid.Creating conditions for the formation of an educated, creative personality of the citizen, the realization of his natural inclinations is determined by one of the strategic tasks of today. The development of creative thinking of future professionals of any profile has always been one of the indicators of the success of higher education. Changing the educational paradigm necessitates a rethinking of the sphere of development of creative personality by means of art and the development of effective conditions, optimal methods and technologies that meet modern methodological and theoretical principles. The creative potential of man is clearly manifested in artistic and aesthetic activities, in particular in the active development of art. Musical art occupies one of the leading places in the implementation of this approach in educational areas. BM Teplov revealed three main features of the classification of the concept of «ability». First, abilities are individual psychological features that distinguish one person from another; secondly, abilities are not called various individual features, but only those that are relevant to the success of any activity or many activities; third, the concept of «ability» is not limited to the knowledge, skills or abilities that have already been developed in humans. On based on the analysis of the literature, it is proved that adolescence and early adulthood are sensitive to the development of general and special abilities, due to professional self-determination, as well as the formation of general intellectual and creative abilities in educational and professional activities.
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