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Д. Маркович, оповідання «Іван з Буджака», натуралістичні ознаки, натуралістичний стиль твору. D. Markovich, the story

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In the article the story of Dmitry Markovich "Ivan from the Budzhak" is analyzed in order to identify naturalistic features. The basis of the proposed scientific research is to determine the general characteristics of the image of characters in short stories, in particular in accordance with the basic requirements and dominants of naturalism, tracing the reflection of life with objectivity, with a combination of natural and social components. The article analyzes the identification of these features in the image of the life of the main character of the story. The analysis revealed the presence of features of a naturalistic image in such a story as "Ivan from the Budzhak". In addition, these features are manifested both in the image of the characters and in the image of nature. Among the main features of the naturalistic image in the story – the truth of the image of events in accordance with life, the combination of artistic and social components, the description of everyday life in its original state, the combination of physiological and social factors in the image of people, and also in the image of true and complex life. We also see in the analyzed story a factual description of Ivan’s life, a detailed description of the life of Ivan the shepherd with fixation of all the details due to the scientific accuracy of the writer, plausibility, objectivity of events in the story and unity in depicting the life of Ivan the shepherd natural and social factors. In the story naturalistically, protocolically clear, but in combination with a realistic description, recreated events from the life of Ivan, we observe the truth of the transfer of actions that took place in the life of Ivan. And at the same time we record the veracity of the image of all events in accordance with life and the factualism of the description, with a statement of all events. We also see the influence of such a factor. In the story naturalistically, protocolically clear, but in combination with a realistic description, recreated events from the life of Ivan, we observe the truth of the transfer of actions that took place in the life of Ivan. And at the same time we record the veracity of the image of all events in accordance with life and the factualism of the description, with a statement of all events. We also see the influence of such a factor as the environment on the life of Ivan, we fix the image in accordance with life with a fine print of physiological essays, on the basis of which there is factuality.
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